Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happily ever after?

A story caught my oversized eye today, my flock. It seems that in eastern India, a 2-year-old boy (above right) has been "married" to a dog to "ward off evil spirits and bad luck." But what of the canine's bad luck, being saddled with a 2-year-old spouse? It could be years before the boy ever contributes to the household. Let us pray that the canine was at least compensated with a sizable rawhide dowry.
In other news, a 7-year-old girl, also in India, married a stray dog Tuesday for the same reason -- evil spirits must be running rampant in the subcontinent. I feel a little better about this pairing, since the girl is old enough to profess her affection for the dog, and she has vowed to take care of him. Plus, the dog received sunglasses and a snazzy accessorized umbrella.

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