Saturday, January 21, 2006

You go, Google

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am an admirer of Google. It is written in Google’s corporate bylaws that it is, officially, a dog company. Combine that with the fact that this company from Mountain View, Calif., is absolutely in the right, and it is easy to support Google’s decision to fight the federal government. You see, the Justice Department has demanded that Google and other Internet search companies turn over a week’s worth of search information. That’s tens of millions of searches on all manner of topics. Clearly, there is no probable cause in such a demand. The Fourth Amendment plainly states that the government can’t go looking in doghouses willy-nilly, hoping to find signs of wrongdoing. If there is no compelling reason to search – and nothing specific to search for – then the government has no right to conduct the search. Period. Surely there is some irony in the fact that the reason given for the Justice Department’s demand is to revive a law that has already been deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

Let us all get behind Google, which has been transformed into a canine-friendly crusader for the Constitution. The government has far overstepped its bounds in this instance. Such demands should be reserved for totalitarian states, the likes of which I intend to found in due time.

Rather than wait for my subpoena to arrive, I will voluntarily reveal some of the search phrases used to find this blog in recent months:

"chewing panties" (twice)
"panty lore"
"glorious panties"
"foster imposter chicken value"
"giantess belly dancer harem"

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