Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wendell on the warpath

This is Wendell. Big Brother Mugsy has been busy working on a top-secret project, so he asked me to fill you in on my training efforts. In addition to my studies, I've been working out with the Armed Revolutionary Forces (ARF). Mugsy says it's unlikely that I'll see any combat, but he felt I could use the discipline -- much like Prince Harry over in England. So I've been getting lots of exercise and learning various canine combat techniques. Just this morning, I learned that a human male can be incapacitated for several seconds with a sharp and unexpected bite to the nipple.

My favorite training exercise involves hunting a tennis ball. I could literally do this all day, but the trainers always seem to tire of it before I do.

Here's a photographic guide to a recent hunt:

The ayatollah, peace be upon him except when I am biting his tail, was there to supervise.

I spotted a tennis ball and was off like a lightning bolt. I can reach any spot in the back yard in 0.3 seconds or less.

I was close enough to taste its felty goodness.

I moved in ...

... and then, in an oddly catlike manner, I pounced.

With my prey helpless to escape, it was time for a victory lap.

And then it was time to rest.

Don't I make a fearsome soldier?

Well, don't I?!?

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