Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Mugsy honors heroes

It has been a long time since I last had reason to award the ministry's highest human honor, the Pug Life Medal of Valor. But the recent actions of two men have reaffirmed my faith in a small pocket of humankind. Let the record show that a grateful canine nation honors the bravery of these two men.

RANDY EARL: When the West Virginian's small boat capsized as he was fishing with his dog Lacy, a black spaniel mix, he stayed in the 50-degree water with his life jacket while making sure Lacy was OK. "I put the dog on top of the boat," the 53-year-old said. When a state trooper arrived to rescue him, Earl asked the trooper to
save the dog first.

STEPHEN (ODIE) ODOM: The Louisiana firefighter rescued two tiny terriers from a smoke-filled room during a fire last Friday. After noticing that one was not breathing, Odom removed his face mask and placed the dog's head inside so the oxygen could blow in its face. He then used his CPR training, including mouth-to-snout resuscitation, to revive the dog. Five minutes later, the dog began looking around and was returned to the owner of the house. Fire officials said they didn't know the dog's name. "We could just call it 'Lucky,"' said one official.

If any among you should happen upon these two brave men, I urge you to give them a pat on the back, or a rub on the belly. They embody the spirit of Pug Life Ministries. Thank you, Randy and Stephen. Copious amounts of rawhide surely await you both in heaven.

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